Vandercook Employee Roster

This table lists the names of former Vandercook & Sons employees and management. Names in bold appear on U.S. Patents. Names in italic are of those identified in photographs. Also included are the names of individuals who worked for Vandercook after it became a Division of Illinois Tool Works in 1968. ITW later sold Vandercook to a manager who renamed it Vandersons. After this new presses were no longer made. To add or correct data, please use the Contact Form. See also Press Inspectors. Acknowledgments are below table.

NamePositionKnown Years
Chester AdamskiAssembly1973
Elmer Aebi1973
Mike Anchor1973
Henry Anderson1973
Jim Aranda1973
Harmon Barnard (1915-97)Eastern Service Technician1957-73
Gene BelascoDesign Engineer1973
Steven Benko1965
Bill BlairDesign Engineer1973
Thomas E. BoccioVandercook/ITW Purchasing Agent1970-73
Raymond G. Bogdan (1916-79)National Service Manager, Vandersons VP1949-1979
W.P. BrandPlant Manager1962
Gary Buffaloe1973
Jan Burczy (1910-73)1965-73
Joyce Burgert1973
Bob Campagna (1934-98)1973
John Cannella1973
Florence CarlstromSecretary to O.F. Duensing1958-73
Ed Carter1973
Rudy Carter1973
Frank CaseyNYC Sales Representative1951-70
Bob ChaniskiMarketing1935-73
Bob CheuvrontService Technician1967-73
John ChlopeckiSpecial Tooling Dept.1965-73
Roy Costello (1921-2004)Chief Purchasing Agent1950s
Bill Critchlow (b.1932)VP Marketing. Married E.O.V. daughter Lynn.1961-71
G.D.Sales Representative1959-69
S.B. DaleWestern Manager1949
J.E. DamlerEngineer1962
Arthur C. DavisEastern Sales Representative1954-56
Pete Dawidziak (1944-2010)1973
Joe DeBartolo1973
Mary Lou DeBoerReceptionist1973
Virginia DeMilliano1973
Roy DeizAsst. to F.R. Vandercook for production control1956
Bob DuberProcess Engineer1973
Don Duda1973
Vince Dudzinski (1914-86)1973
Leon DunnSales1970
Ann Dunning1973
O.F. "Fred" Duensing (1895-1964) Marketing Manager1946-63
Deane Elmblad (b.1936)Service Technician (NYC). Self-employed after ITW era.1965-1990
Lloyd EricksonDesign Engineer1973
Doris Etcheson1973
Jim FarleySales Representative Dallas1967-71
Mark Farrar (1924-98)Assistant to Fred Rymer1963
Steve Felau1973
Ted Ficek1973
Joe Filetti (1900-86)1965
John "Tiny" FischerAssembly1973
Hugh FletcherITW Manager. Purchased company in 1972 renamed Vandersons1972
Fred A. FouserEngineer1961
Mario FusariDesign Engineer1973
Frank G. GagnonSan Francisco District Sales Manager1964-70
Theresa Gardi (1937-2003)1973
Otto Geffken (1901-71)Engineer. Instructor Vandercook School of Proving1938
Jimmie GilbertAccounting1973
Charlotte Goldberg1973
Ray Gross1965-73
William "Bill" HankleyDirector of Engineering succeeded by J.B. Roozee1950s-1960s
Bob Hartwig1973
E. Burton HenrySales Representative. 1971 Eastern Sales Manager1965-71
Jim Herdzina (1941-87)1973
Menard Heydanek (1913-2003)Manufacturing1973
Bill HiggensProcess Engineer1973
J. HlavinPress Inspector1949-1969
Henry R HochuliSales Representative (NYC)1957-69
Patrick HolohanSales Representative (Chicago). Married FRV daughter Joanie1957-70
Casey HoshizakiDesign Engineer1973
John David Hull (d. 1952)Machinist
Steve Jackowski1973
Chester Jakubik1973
Gus JantzProcess Engineer1973
Rosemary JasinskiController1983
Ed Jenkins1973
Roman JurewiczDesign Engineer1973
P.K.Sales Representative1970-71
Hank Karwacki1973
H.L. "Hank" KellerPress Inspector1948-1973
George KledzikMaterial Controls Manager1962-73
Edward KleifgenService Representative1954
W.J. KoetkeSales Manager (Chicago)1951
John Kolak1965
Marion Konowalski1973
Fred Kosieracki (1923-2008)Process Engineer1973
Michael Kovac1970
Joseph W. Koyak (1923-1994)Printing Advisor to E.O.Vandercook1950-73
Tony Kraft1973
Joe KreftSupervisor of Maintenance1950s-60s
Paul KreftSales1970
Jim Kubalewski1973
Ed Kulpa1973
Ed LeffertsDesign Engineer1973
Ed LeightonProcess Engineer1973
Bert. E. LindbergSales Representative West Coast Sales Mgr pre-1960.1956-63
Harold Loefer1973
Martin Lukas1973
Jack MaharMarketing1973
Conrad Majewski (1945-92)1973
Max Makela1973
Les Malec1973
Ernie Malkowski1967-73
Howard Martin1973
Leroy Maximini (1915-81)Eastern Service Manager1954-71
Joe Mazanec1973
Sabina MazanecNew York Office Staff1954
Lauretta McCabe1973
Charlie McLaughlin1965
Andy Mentus1973
Stanley A. Metza (1913-2009)West Coast Sales Mgr 1960-751944-47 & 1953-75
Russ L. MilesSales Representative (Chicago).1953-67
Marvin G. MooseSales Manager1960-70s
John MulderAsst. Plant Manager1965-73
Judy Napoleon1973
George D. NastekSales Representative1960s
Stanley D. Nastek (1906-84)Sales Representative1955-71
Harold NeffPress Inspector1951-1967
Al NelsonIndustrial Relations1973
Tibor Nemeth1968
Glen Newberry1973
Eugene "Red" NikodemMachinist. Brother-in-law to Burt Roozee1940s-1973
Raymond F. Nowak Jr.Engineer1962
J. OgdenSales Representative1955
Sally O'TooleNew York Office Manager1954-1961
Fred W. OttoService Manager1947-73
Everett Pagett (1919-2001)1973
Gus Palumbo (1908-77)Process Engineer1973
Ben Pankiewicz1973
Bill Pappas1973
Pete Pasiuk1965
D.E. PatePress Inspector1968
Norb Paulish1973
Viv Pedersen1973
Raymond L. Pelland (1893- 1977) Design Engineer. His name is on many assembly drawings 1935-47
Julius Petrusek1973
Frank PilchDesign Engineer1973
Cliff PlinskeField Service1973
Jean Polaski1973
Bill Pokorny1965
Albert Prange1973
Sylvan PraturlonDesign Engineer1973
R.A. "Ralph" RaedekerEngineer1962
Ron RathsamQuality Control1973
Robert T. Rice (1898- )Engineer. Former Hacker employee. Authored "How to make up forms to save stonework and presswork" (Hacker Mfg Co., 1934)1937?-1952
Garrett D. RobarEngineer. Designed landscaping at Touhey Ave plant1954
Crystal Roehm1973
James Burton Roozee (1918-1998)Director of Engineering1940-74
Bill RuggSales1970
Jerry Rutherford1965
Fred Rymer1953-65
Otto P. Sandvik (1895-1973)Sales Representative1948-59
Roy H. Sandvik (1922-76)Eastern Manager1952-54
Gabby Sarno1968
Raymond B. SaundersSales Representative1957-64
_____ ScarbeckEngineer [?]1960s
Jim SchminArt Director [?]
Bodo Schulz1973
Ted Schwarz (1917-2004)West coast Service Technician1949-70
Bob SchwartzService Technician (Chicago)1965-73
Dom ScimecaAccounting1973
Michael SeamsonService Representative1954
Al ScherdinManufacturing1973
Weldon Sims1965
Dave SimpsonDesign Engineer1973
Edgar SmithSales1970
Bill SpringDesign Engineer1973
Stan Spychalski1973
John SteinerDesign Engineer1973
Nancy Stelmachowski1973
George E. StevensonSales Representative (Chicago)1951-73
Pat Strebar1973
Maynard SwanSales Representative (Denver)1966-70
Diana Szatkowski1973
Joe SzymulaProcess Engineer1973
Dick ThompsonDesign Engineer1973
Bob TookeyDesign Engineer1973
Marion TownsleySecretary to EOV1940-1968
Kurt Tellesch1973
Dick Tower (b.1937)Sales Representative (NYC). E.O.V. son-in-law1963-70
Chester Uminowicz (1919-79)1973
David D. Vandercook (1901-1975)Vice President in Charge of Engineering1918-1954
Edward O. Vandercook (1897-1985)General Manager President1918-1968
Fred R. Vandercook (1903-1987)Chief Financial Officer1918-1968
Robert O. Vandercook (1866-1951)Company Founder1909-1940
Mike VelanDesign Engineer1973
Gene Vlazzoni1973
Charlie VlcekProcess Engineer1973
Vic VonkeTime Study Auditor and Inventory Control1960s
Jack Waldier (1927-2009)Press Inspector. 1971 Service Manager1962-73
Gene WenderskiManufacturing. Later Vandersons General Manager1968-73
Harry Wiase (1918-2000)Design Engineer1965-73
John Wilson1965
Ron Wiltgen1973
A.W. WinardPress Inspector1949-68
Al Winkel1973
Tom WisniewskiPurchasing1973
Bill WisvaderITW / Manufacturing1973
Steve WojotowyczPress Inspector/ Manufacturing1950s-73
I. WordenSales Representative1963
Robert WrightVandersons General Manager1980s
Gustave Zeese (1893-79)Eastern Sales Manager. Previously a partner in Zeese-Wilkinson Color Pictures New York fl.1909-19451956-62
Bob Ziwiski
Tony Zmuda1973
C. G. ZurickPress Inspector1948-49


This table was compiled from several sources including company records and photographs held by NA Graphics, catalogs, invoices, packing lists, and U.S. patents. Thanks is also due to former Vandercook employees Bill Critchlow, Deane Elmblad, Stanley Metza, Dick Tower, and Gene Wenderski, and to Jim Roozee, son of Burton Roozee who was the last lead engineer at Vandercook.

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