Reproduction Proofs

R. O. Vandercook, Printing Equipment Engineer, May 1936, p.44

There is now a great need for improved methods of taking proofs economically of type forms and cuts for photographic reproductions. The use of the camera in the Graphic Arts is rapidly increasing. Printing suitable for photographic reproduction can be produced on many presses if the operator has sufficient patience, skill, and time to carefully makeready his form. I believe that anything that will save the time of a skilled operator must be considered if we are to get good results economically.

The cylinder and bed of the press must be most accurately machined, and limits held that were thought impossible a few years ago. The impression must be so rigid that no impression adjustments are needed for the lightest or heaviest forms, and the register must be absolute. To save time in working up the ink for proper coverage, power ink distribution is an advantage.

But care in building and operating the press are not the only essentials to get good prints for photographic reproduction work economically. It is much more economical to know before the form goes to press that the cuts are just right as to height and etching and that there are no imperfect or worn characters in the type than to have the skilled operator of the press take his time to build up or cut down the cuts and remove defective slugs or type from the form. Overlays can correct many of the errors in construction of a press and the imperfections of printing surface, but overlays take skill and time. The proper testing of cuts and type casts be- fore a form is made up is a much more economical operation than to pass all that work on to the pressman.

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