Press Tools

Basic Tools
All measurements fractional (SAE)

3/4" open wrench (11/16" for Uni I)Extension magnetNylon scouring pad (Scotch-Brite)
5/16" flathead screwdriverPin PunchesFine-grit metal sandpaper
Combination wrenches3 lb Sledge hammerWire brushes/Toothbrushes
Hex wrench setX-acto or break-away knifePipe cleaners/cotton swabs
Vise GripsCutting matDrill bits for unclogging oil holes
Assorted screwdriver set36" straight edge
Medium adjustable wrenchBone folder

Specialty Tools
Measurements are fractional (SAE) or calibrated to thousandths of an inch.

Roller setting gaugeA” scale durometerFeeler gauge
Paper thickness measure
Tap and die set
SP trip spring tool
Screw thread pitch gaugeThread chasers

SP trip spring tool

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