Hello, I’ve recently acquired this Advance Guillotine & I’m wondering if there’s a place to get a device to lock the blade in place when not in use. I know I can chain the counter weight down, but it’d be great to have something less clunky. I’ve seen a couple of safely locks added to […]
MoreAuthor: Friedrich
Moving a Vandercook 4
Hello folks, Alright, I’ve hired a rigger to move my press out of its current location in Memphis & we’re trucking it down to New Orleans. Can anyone advise me on something I can build to move the press from the truck, down the ramp, into the door, and into the front room? If I […]
MoreUniversal I Moving Tips
Hey Folks, I was wondering if anybody has some good tips about moving a press (the UNI I above) from a second floor? I’m in the process of getting a quote from a crane service, but I fear the price is going to be a lot more then I can afford right now. I’m wondering […]
MoreVandercook #4 Foot Pedal Problems
Hello. I’m afraid that I’m having issues with my Vandercook No. 4 (Model 14186). I’ve looked and looked, but something isn’t connecting properly anymore to make the paper grippers raise when the foot pedal is pressed. When the pedal is pressed the bumper block is bumping out about 1/8″ when not in connection with the […]
MoreVandercook 4 Cylinder Problem
Hello, I recently bought a Vandercook 4 from the Hick’s Bros. Everything seems like it’s in working order except the cylinder needs to be adjusted – the rail on the operating side is bearing down hard and there’s a gap on the non-operator side where you can see daylight between the rails. I think as […]