Media Mentions

YouTube Vandercook videos

CBC/Radio-Canada Weekend Arts Magazine interview with Paul Moxon, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Friday March 23, 2012

NPR’s Weekend Edition “Saturday The Simple Joys Of An Old-Fashioned Datebook” December 31, 2011

Los Angeles Times “Flora and Fauna, a maker of artistic cards, needs to focus on marketing” April 28, 2008 (link deleted)

New York Times “Retro Printers, Grounding the LaserJet” features a photo of our own Eric Holub at San Francisco Center for the Book, December 10, 2006

NPR’s All Things Considered, SoundClips “Audio Experiences” December 7, 2006

Scrapbook Answers Magazine (Print Edition) October 2006 (publication ceased November 2006)

“Time Magazine”:,9171,1531316-1,00.html September 11, 2006 (Online and subscriber editions only)

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