219 Old Style Feedboard

I am restoring a 219 OS and am missing the metal feedboard lip and side guide. I’m trying to research all of my options. I was hoping someone out there may have an extra one? Any suggestions for alternatives? I’ve been in contact with Fritz and he is going to look for the blueprints. Ted Salkin pulled one out of his Vandercook graveyard but it is missing a sideguide. Also, he wanted nearly $400 for it, and that seemed high. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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John G. Henry
John G. Henry
17 years ago

I believe I have the metal feedboard lip from an oldstyle 219 which met its maker a few years back. I will check and get back to you. I probably can’t say the same for the side guide since I don’t think it was present when scrapped.

Fritz Klinke
17 years ago

Well, Paul Moxon kind of leaned on me this afternoon to locate the print for the 219OS feed board edge and it is part #BB-9, on a print dated June 1, 1927.

This was made from stainless steel and is not a serious challenge except there are 11 screw holes and the slot for the side guide, and that had indexing numbers rolled on one edge of the slot. There were a number of locating jigs and patterns for this piece, and it is not just a piece of sheet metal slapped down on the wood of the feed table. I will get this to our sheet metal fabricators for a price quotation, and see if Ted’s price is ok, or as suggested, way out of reason.


This shows the feed board edge in relation to the cylinder, and also the wood screws needed. Again, Paul has literally been looking over my shoulder in getting me up to speed on posting this stuff.


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