UK Printing

I currently print on a Vandercook and run a business here in the US, but am looking at moving to Northern Ireland for a year. I’d like to continue printing —either on a borrowed press (in a shared studio environment) or on a press that I buy over there. Are there any recommendations of reputable […]


Press for Sale?

There’s a chance that I’ll be selling my Vandercook 320 for a smaller press. I just replaced the rollers, and it’s in great working condition. What do you think I could start by asking for it? I’d only sell if I’d be able to buy another press with what I make from the sale. Thanks […]


Vandercook 320G issues

I’m in the thick of trying to get my Vandercook 320G up and running. This is different than other Vandercooks I’ve printed on for various reasons (it’s completely manual, the metal and rubber rollers are behind the cylinder, etc). I’ve encountered a couple of things so far that I’d love advice with if you have […]

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