Paul – That SP15 I sold to your friends at Old Dominion last year is having a problem with uneven inking = uneven pressure from the main ink drum. My guess is that, since it is spring-loaded, that either the spring has failed/is failing or that there is a build-up of ink and solvent coming […]
MoreAuthor: Alan Runfeldt
I began printing with a small Kelsey Excelsior 3x5 when I was 12 years old - 1962. By the time I was 14 I had an 8x12 C&P, a 9x13 Gordon and an bunch of old hand type in open City Stands. I didn't get my 1946 Model 4T Vandercook until 1977 -bought at auction for $425...
It was first sold to Newark Trade Typographers in 1946 and the granddaughter of its first owner found a photo of it on my web site - - contacted me and sent me the original shipping documents.
Since then, I have acquired an old Model 17, an old Model 1 single-truss and a number of small galley presses - Miles Heart Cure & C&P "rolling pin" style ( , plus 2 Showcard presses (made by Vandercook) and 3 more Vandercooks - models 0,01,99...
I continue to print daily at The Excelsior Press and continue to restore presses in my spare time. I also am kept very busy teaching others how to print on the various letterpresses we have in the collection.
The Excelsior Press is in an old chicken barn on a farm near my home -a great place to spend the day printing...