I have a early model Universal I Power that I have recently purchased. When running the automatic carriage it has a tendency to slam into the end of the run and upon returning to the feed board slamming into that. I have adjusted the speed and the brake using the dials on the operators side, […]
MoreCategory: Press run
Vandy 3 – Inking Roller Question
Our inking roller on our Vandy 3 is a bit worn, so we’re wondering if we should get it replaced before we print an initial run. We tried it out before purchasing the press, just to test it out, and it seemed to distribute the ink pretty well since it is still quite soft. That […]
MoreVandercook 219 Power Grinding
Hello! I have two pictures (pictures below) of a piece that is grinding on my vandercook 219. There are fine metal shavings under the press after about an hour of running. I see no way of adjusting this to lift it up. Any suggestions? Pictures: Nick
MoreLargest run…
I was printing last night and was wondering what the largest run (number of sheets + number of colors) anyone had run on a Vandercook where you were either hand feeding the paper or hand cranking. How about a few stories of your experiences? If you can please list the sheets / size / colors […]