Vandy 3 – Inking Roller Question

Our inking roller on our Vandy 3 is a bit worn, so we’re wondering if we should get it replaced before we print an initial run. We tried it out before purchasing the press, just to test it out, and it seemed to distribute the ink pretty well since it is still quite soft. That being said, it does have a few cracks on the body of it. Click the photo to see it up close.

We are definitely in the market for replacing it in the future and know we need to get the rollers tested – any things we should look out for when we have to get the roller off? Thanks in advance for the advice and responses.
Please note that in the photo there are some rusty bits here and there, this was taken a while back!

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

There’s little doubt that the rollers will be undersized. You will want to replace the top, feeder roller in addition to the two form rollers. The form roller gears must be removed before shipping. This is easy as there’s just have one lock screw (S-117) on each.

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