SP-15 Cylinder Carriage Bearings Issues

I undertook the arduous task of adjusting the 6 cylinder carriage bearings on my SP15, after still experiencing uneven inking and impression with newly recovered rollers. Thanks especially to Gerald’s comprehensive “Adjusting Cylinder Carriage Bearings” article, without which I never would have undertaken the ordeal: https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/articles/lange-adj/ And with Fritz’s recently found comments within Paul’s “Common […]

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Tour de Lead Graffiti

As we did this on our Vandercook Universal III, we hoped some of you might be interested. leadgraffiti.com/news/tour-de-lead-graffiti . . . We would love for everyone to take a look at our effort in ‘endurance letterpress’ we called Tour de Lead Graffiti. We wanted to do a series of typographic posters that took the memorable […]

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