Censuses Updated

Dutch designer, printer, and press mechanic Thomas Gravemaker recently supplied a list of European-made cylinder proof presses known to him. This has allowed me to increase and update the Asbern, Korrex, and Vandercook censuses and to add two new censuses for Eickhoff and Grafix presses. Please review and let me know if you have any […]

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A New Collection of Articles by R.O. Vandercook

Fameorshame Press is pleased to announce the publication of Growth of an Idea, Selected Writings on the Modern Proof Press by R.O. Vandercook. Edited and with a Foreword by Paul Moxon. It is a collection of articles published between 1925–38 in the trade journals, The Inland Printer, Photoengravers Bulletin, and Printing Equipment Engineer, illuminating his thinking on developing his machines. […]

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Newly Discovered Vandercook Portraits

Recently, I acquired some Vandercook materials that had belonged to David Dodge Vandercook (1901–1975), who was Vice President of Engineering and Board Secretary for Vandercook & Sons. He was the second son of company founder Robert O. Vandercook (1866–1951). The company frequently used the portrait of R.O. Vandercook (above left) in promotional literature, but apparently, […]

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