I’ve got a 32-28. As I run the press, the screws that hold the form rollers at the correct height become very loose, causing the rollers to drop and strike the type improperly. Viewing the pictures right and below, screws A and C go almost all the way through the carriage [bearing bars] to bring the […]
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Vandercook 32-28E for sale
This is an excellent large format Vandercook press. I have wired it up for a test run to a portable generator and it glides smoothly down the track. There is a large metal plate in the bed in the image above that can easily be removed to allow for type high lock-ups. It is classified […]
MoreMore TagVandercook 32-28
SOLD Thanks for the listing Paul. The mover picked up the 32-28 today and delivered a Universal lll which will be a bit more manageable. Casey McGarr Inky Lips Press McKinney, TX
MoreMore TagFor sale Vandercook 32-28
For sale: Vandercook 32-28, Serial number 16003, Maximum sheet: 32×30, Price $6,000. The rollers are in excellent condition and it prints wonderful. I have printed posters using linoleum, wood and metal type, and photopolymer. Buyer responsible for moving, I can recommend an equipment mover here in the Dallas are that hauls across the USA. I […]
MoreMore TagFriction Fingers
I’m looking for a set (2) of Friction Fingers for a Vandercook 32-28. If anyone has one or two please email me. Thanks, Casey casey@inkylipspress.com
MoreMore TagVandercook 32-28
I noticed the Friction Spring Assembly on one of the photos for the 232P restoration and conversion project. I’m looking for a set for my 32-28. If anyone knows where I could find two please let know. Here is a photo capture from one of the 232P pictures for reference. Thanks, Casey Inky Lips Press […]
MoreMore TagNinth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950
I found this advertisement and saw the row of Vandercooks, they look like “32-28’s”:https://vandercookpress.info/years35-53.html#32-28.
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