hello! i am visiting san francisco this week, and want to take a gander at a universal 1. i have one in mexico, and it has several very strange quirks that i can’t seem to get figured out. i’m hoping that seeing one in good condition (and meeting with a fellow printer) will help illuminate […]
MoreTag: universal 1
Universal I – Replacement Motor
In response to the recent post regarding an SP- 15 needing a replacement motor, I thought I’d add my experience this week with our Universal I. This press had been hesitating at start-up for some time. On start-up, the drive roller would need a little nudge to get it going. (I believe the capacitor was […]
MoreUniversal 1 ink drum core “keeper” missing
In cleaning up our new Universal 1 at OCAC, we discovered a missing piece that keeps the ink drum from having side to side play. It’s this “keeper”, or collar as I’ve been calling it, that fits around the ink drum core that sticks out on the outside of the non-operator side of the frame. […]
Moreroller height on universal I
i am still working on getting my new-to-me universal I refined and printing perfectly, and i’m having a hard time getting the ink roller height correct. i have a gauge to test, and if the vibrator is up / NOT in contact with the rollers, i can get the height correct, but the black knob […]