Vandercook inking system diagram

Inking System DiagramI have just done a very quick drawing of the inking system for my Vandercook 215/4. This is for my upcoming book, “Print It Yourself” which is to be published late next year by F&W Publications. The diagram is a very simplified attempt to visually explain (along with a verbal explanation) how the ink gets from the top vibrator roller to the ink rollers on the bottom. I would appreciate it very much if you see anything erroneous here that you let me know. Thanks!

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Eric Holub
16 years ago

Regarding relative positions, I’d point out that the top of the the ink drum is just slightly above type high, and the rear form roller contacts the drum at the very top, not down the side.
Also, the upper rollers would more accurately be called a distributor assembly–it is, after all, one oscillator and two riders.

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