Basil Head, 1924 – 2019

Basil Charles Head
23 March 1924 – 25 April 2019

Basil Head

We are greatly saddened to learn of the death of our dear friend and colleague Basil Head, on 25 April 2019.

Upon leaving school, Basil worked and trained at a machine tool company that was contracted to manufacture two hundred letterpress proof presses by an American firm, Vandercook and Sons. He was one of the few remaining expert press engineers still practising in the country, and his passing marks a great loss for the printing community who will remember him as a kind, inspiring and knowledgable gentleman.

Over the past fifteen years Basil travelled the length and breadth of the country, servicing and installing presses for a new generation with an interest in letterpress printing. He was extremely generous with his time and knowledge, which led to the introduction of a press maintenance class at the London Centre for Book Arts in 2015.

The family extend an invite to Basil’s friends and colleagues to attend the funeral, which is to be held at Woodvale Crematorium, Brighton, on Friday 31 May at 1pm.

Please send me an email or message if you wish to attend so that I can RSVP on your behalf.

Simon Goode
London Centre for Book Arts

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