Bearings on a No. 03

Hi everyone.
While restoring my no. 03 I noticed my bearings were a bit dry and you could feel the metal touching inside, which is, as I’ve been told a sign of the bearing being worn, or spent.
So I decided to replace them, but to my surprise these are not standard bearings you get at your bearing shop, no sir, seems like they were made by Federal for these presses only. Maybe I’m missing something, or they can only be ordered somewhere I don’t know of.
The closest fit was inner diameter, outer diameter, but instead of 15mm of thickness it was 13mm which fits short of the length on the eccentric.

Where do you recommend I look?

Thanks everyone.

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Fritz Klinke
12 years ago

The #3 manual lists bearing #88030,so I’ll look it up when I get a chance maybe tomorrow.


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