Big unique good working automatic letterpress proofing press. Paper size 52×74 cm Printing size 52×72 cm Letter height 24.85 mm (Dutch height) Works on 380 Volt, weight is about 2.500 kilo. Starting bid is € 3000,– which is $ 3.500,– in US Dollars Frits van Vliet afwezig op woensdag Gyroscoopweg 21 A 1042 AC […]
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Grafix Proof Press
Revised. Thomas Gravemaker sent these photos of a German-made Grafix proof press used during a recent four day event at Officina Tipografica Novepunti in Besano, Italy. The fourth photo below shows a cylinder trip assembly similar to a Vandercook Universal (1958-76) or a No. 4 (1935-1960). Some Grafix models have an adjustable press bed. The manufacturer Haas & […]
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