Centenary Print Bundle Arrived!

Delighted to come home to a package full of Vandercook prints tonight! As fun as looking through the online gallery had been, it is nothing compared to the real thing. Fascinating diversity of techniques and approaches. Kudos to all the participants and thanks to Paul and his boundless energy to make this happen.

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

You’re most welcome everyone. I’ve received several more comments of appreciation by email. It really is a nice collection.

Please let me know if you intend to publicly show your sets as I will compile a list of venues. Mine will be exhibited in Mobile at the University of South Alabama Library Gallery, March through April 2010.

Casey McGarr
14 years ago

I really enjoyed getting the large box full of wonderful letterpress printed broadsides. This will be a very collectible box set.

Thanks to everyone for printing.

Paul, a huge thank you for organizing this big endeavor.

Inky Lips Letterpress

Martha Chiplis
14 years ago

It was so fun to look over all the prints yesterday- thank you Paul and fellow printers!

Barbara Hauser
14 years ago

Sorry — it’s EliSabeth, not EliZabeth. Printers don’t misspell, do they?

Barbara Hauser
14 years ago

I’ll “third” what Elizabeth and Michael said. What an extraordinarily creative and skillful bunch! Paul, you’ve put together a real treasure here. Wish R.O. could see it!

michael babcock
14 years ago

I’d like to second Elisabeth’s sentiments. So many nicely designed and executed pieces. Well done folks, and thanks again to Paul for his efforts.

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