Challenge 15MP carriage bearing adjustment

Bed of the press with test forme of 20-line lightly used wood type.
Bed of the press with test forme of 20-line lightly used wood type.

Hello all,

I made the first adjustments to the lower two eccentrics on either side of the carriage today, gaining a much more even impression across the width of the bed. Special thanks to Gerald Lange, Fritz Klinke, and others for their very helpful posts/articles here on the Blog re: this topic.

The remaining issue, which I am not clear on how to resolve, is unevenness of impression down the LENGTH of the bed. When running a test sheet through, the impression “fades” slowly away down the length of the sheet. Can this be remedied through further carriage bearing adjustment, or is there a different adjustment required?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Emily Hancock

St Brigid Press

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Eric Holub
10 years ago

You REALLY NEED to be inking as you do this. If bearings are adjusted without checking roller-to-form contact on both print and trip strokes you are just jumpimg into the briar patch. When the bearings are set correctly the stripe on the roller gauge will be the same in either position.
If your bearers are worn nothing will adjust that. You should also make sure all the packing is unbeaten and full-length. And be sure your lock-up is solid, not rising anywhere.

thomas gravemaker
10 years ago

Hello Emily, what is exactly fading, the depth of your impression, or the strength of your colour? Your form seems to be taking up the whole length of the bed… If the depth of your impression is identical from the top to the bottom of your form, then your problem might be that the circumference of your rollers is too small for your form. Have you tried inking twice, before printing, that is: once you ink (trip mode), second time you print? I also think that you should have the quoins along the long side of the bed. This way, you will never be able to print with a correct registration.

thomas gravemaker
10 years ago

Hello Emily, what is exactly fading, the depth of your impression, or the strength of your colour? Your form seems to be taking up the whole length of the bed… If the depth of your impression is identical from the top to the bottom of your form, then your problem might be that the circumference of your rollers is too small for your form. Have you tried inking twice, before printing, that is: once you ink (trip mode), second time you print? I also think that you should have the quoins along the long side on the other side of the bed. This way, you will never be able to print with a correct registration.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
10 years ago

Please describe your test form. From your website I see you use handset metal and wood type.

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