Harrild Verax

I am still trying to find information on My Harrild Verax Proof press, This is an english proof press and was made in about 1945-50.  The press as now been restored to good condition, and I am just waiting on new ink rollers which have just been made. The press took me on and off about 6 months to clean and re-paint, and have taken every part apart checking and cleaning it.   anyone who is intrested in this press can send me a e-mail and I will send a link to the 40 or so photos that I have put on the internet.  nv.paperenn@gmail.com

I am looking for information such as were do all of the paper lays/guides fit on the cylinder,  Also I am looking for types of packing for this also.   Not knowing if there is anything missing from the press.  This press was once owened by the Curwen press of North st London. and was sold off sometime in the 1980’s.

There was also a book printed in about 1952 by Harrild and sons, titled printing oh a verax proof press.   But have not found one or any location of this book.

Another question is that I have never used a cylinder proof press befor, Is ther anone in Uk who runs courses printing on Vandercooks ect? or is the USA the only place to come for such help ??.  As I live in France.

Nigel Vellam

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thomas gravemaker
12 years ago

Nigel, I’m Paris based and do run 2-day courses on a Vandercook Universal I. If you’re interested, or need more information etc. send me an e-mail.

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