I am restoring a Hacker #4 and I am missing a part. It is a bar that connects the cylinder to the bed trip lever. I have a picture of the part on another Hacker, and mine without it. If someone out there has the measurements of this part and can post it here, I would be thankful! If not I will be making it by trial and error.
Thank you for your response, I would have commented earlier but for some reason I did not see the comments! I think the measurements and close up photos will work. My email is larrykj77@gmail.com. If I can’t fabricate it from the measurements and photos, we can go the other route. I appreciate your willingness to help!
The Arm NYC,
I actually tried to contact Chris Chen (through Linkedin) but did not get a response. Chris, If your listening in, I’d love to chat with you about your Hacker!
We have a Hacker 4H at USU and I’ve removed this particular part from our press. I can take some measurements and photos on Monday when I’m back at work. I could also mail you the part, if you don’t mind paying for shipping and eventually returning the part to us.
Your best bet is to reach out directly to someone with the same model as you from the list on Paul’s press registry.
I would suggest checking first with Chris Chen or Daniel P.