Missing Hacker #4 Part

I am restoring a Hacker #4 and I am missing a part. It is a bar that connects the cylinder to the bed trip lever.  I have a picture of the part on another Hacker, and mine without it. If someone out there has the measurements of this part and can post it here, I would be thankful! If not I will be making it by trial and error.

part-missing part-missing2

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Adam Leestma
9 years ago

We have a Hacker 4H at USU and I’ve removed this particular part from our press. I can take some measurements and photos on Monday when I’m back at work. I could also mail you the part, if you don’t mind paying for shipping and eventually returning the part to us.


The Arm
9 years ago

Your best bet is to reach out directly to someone with the same model as you from the list on Paul’s press registry.

I would suggest checking first with Chris Chen or Daniel P.


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