New Owner

I am a new member of this blog and not very savy in the digital realm.
I have come into the care of a VC # 3 with the serial # 8126.
I am completely flumoxed by the very thorough cross referenced numbers and dates that Paul has collected. I hope to find the manufactured date of this press for no other reason than to boast to my colleagues of its historical importance. Please advise…… Thanks

Eric May, Kent OH

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Fritz Klinke
17 years ago

Eric–Your computer probably can’t read between the lines on the Vandercook site, so here’s the scoop–SN 8126 shipped 12/16/38 to The Akron Typesetting Co., 37 N. High Street, Akron, Ohio. It was sold through Zimmer Printers Supply, N.Y. Last entry for this press was 7/25/41 when Vandercook sold them 2 “Glue Glycerine Dist. Roller.” Then a fairly recent entry in hand written ink at the very bottom of the card simply states “Kent State” with no dates–its legible, so none of my employees for the last 10 years made that notation.

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