SP-15 ink drum gear broken

Hi there — This is my first post. I have an SP-15 (serial #26151), and I looked through my manual, but am still unsure of the part names. It appears the gear on my motorized roller is broken. This is the gear that the belt / pulley (?) runs on to actually move the roller. For clarity, here’s the area in question:


I was printing this afternoon, and paused, turning off the press and raising the rollers to answer the phone. I came back about 10 minutes later, and when I turned it back on, nothing was moving. When I looked around, I realized the pulley / belt (?) had detached from the roller gear. As I attempted to get it back on, I discovered THIS:


Yikes. A chunk of the gear is suddenly missing. The strange thing is that I didn’t hear anything break — just turned off the press and raised the rollers to answer the phone. I found a few pieces of the gear — they appear to be clear plastic.


This one gives a really clear picture of how much of it is missing — quite a bit.


I’m hoping I can just find another gear and replace it, but I’m not sure how it all fits together. Does anyone know if this is a readily available part, and if so how I’d go about replacing it?

Thanks so much,

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
16 years ago

Gerald: it could happen someday. But I still love my No. 4!

Tara: good luck and please keep us posted on your progress. It’s helpful when a problem and the solution is fully documented.

Gerald Lange
16 years ago

I’d assume, then, if this is the case, he’d likely give up the Vandercook maintenance workshops, and perhaps this site? Maybe start a real press site?


Fritz Klinke
16 years ago

Yes, we have these and they are now machined out of aluminum and I will get in touch with Tara. We also have the belts for these in stock. Paul says buy a real press, and get a Heidelberg after this weekend’s Heidelberg course in Denver.


Gerald Lange
16 years ago


This is not an altogether unexpected occurrence over the life of the press. The gear is made out of plastic. It is bound to go the way of all plastics.

Hopefully Fritz still has replacement stock on hand. Replace that belt as well. They don’t last long either. SP-15s were way cheap in their manufacturing.


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