“Spring Cleaning”

Universal III Latch Sp[ringI thought I’d give my Universal III a good cleaning after it had sat idle for a good deal of the winter while doing some home remodeling. I started out cleaning out the gear racks and noticed that the carriage latch was pretty loose and no spring tension. I pulled it off and found the spring had been sheared into many separate pieces. Fortunately Fritz has a replacement coming my way, but I thought I’d post a photo as I had not seen anything like this before.

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Eric Holub
9 years ago

I’ve had problems with some of the replacement springs. Even though same length and O.D. as original spring, some have been made of a thicker wire, and as a result cannot be compressed as far as needed and the cylinder will bind at the cam. If that is the case you can cut off coil after coil from the spring until there is enough clearance.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
9 years ago

Thanks John. Yep, that’s how I find them all the time.

X-11022 is the spring for the Universal and SP series, the 219 and Challenge M series.
QRS-6 is the spring for the Nos. 3, 4, 215 and the 15-21.

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