T-Shirt for 100 Years of Vandercook (?)

Are there any plans to have a special T-Shirt (or even Apron) celebrating the 100 years of Vandercook? It could make a nice companion to the Print Bundle. And lots of people would buy it if priced reasonably.

Perhaps a t-shirt design competition could stir-up the bubbling creativity amongst vandercook users :)

Just a thought.



PS. I edited this blog entry to address it to everyone (not just Paul:)

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Caveworks Press
15 years ago

I work for a printer/screen printer. Perhaps we could do some kind of collaborative design process on this site, finalize a design, take orders, which would pay for the shirts, and commence the screen printing. Just an idea. I also like the idea of hand-press printing, though I don’t have one of those.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
15 years ago

Unless someone with a screen printing set-up steps up, I don’t see this happening any time. However, you should know tha t-shirts have been known to be printed on iron hand presses from wood type, linocuts, etc. using oil-based ink. I still wear my ATypI ’97 shirt.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
15 years ago

The short answer is no. However, last year the San Francisco Center for the Book, with Fritz’s permission, made a shirt. This past Spring, a few were made to promote The Vandercook Book at the Center for Book Arts in NYC and Gerald Lange had his own “Vander-cook” shirt on ebay and his website.

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