Folks, I noticed that the Universal Parts manual shows a “Frisket Frame” unit for a Uni-I. Is this frisket only for the motorized Uni or would it also work on a manual (hand-cranked) Uni-I ? Thanks. /thomas/
MoreAuthor: Thomas Hardjono
Vandercook 100 Book (Congrats to Heather Mitchell)
I’ve just received an advance copy of the “Vandercook 100” book, edited and organized by Heather Mitchell. I would like to congratulate her on such a great book. Wow! Superbly designed and looks terrific! You can already order a copy on Amazon. [thomas]
MoreUni-I Roller Gear Question
Hi Folks, I have a question about the roller-gear for a Universal-I. I recently purchased a pair of new cores/rollers for a Uni-I. However, when they arrived I noticed the new cores are different from the existing cores/rollers, and thus the old roller-gear cannot fit to the new cores. The old core is hollow and […]
MoreT-Shirt for 100 Years of Vandercook (?)
Are there any plans to have a special T-Shirt (or even Apron) celebrating the 100 years of Vandercook? It could make a nice companion to the Print Bundle. And lots of people would buy it if priced reasonably. Perhaps a t-shirt design competition could stir-up the bubbling creativity amongst vandercook users :) Just a thought. […]