As a result of a plumbing mishap a few weeks ago I have had to clean and re-lubricate the gripper bar on my Universal III AB. In the processes of doing this I’ve run into a few questions and potential problems, and I want to get clarification if I can before I do anything incorrectly. […]
MoreTag: Grippers
Questions about clutch plate, oil holes and automatic gripper release
Hey guys, first of all, I’m sorry about the many posts lately, but I’m trying to make real progress and have my no. 4 working by the end of the year, which is almost here, anyways. So I’m getting up to speed. First question: Are these wear marks on the clutch plate going to affect […]
MoreStuck SP-20 Grippers
I’m rebuilding the gripper assembly on a very dirty SP-20. The pins are jammed in the holes due to the previous owner’s habit of just shooting WD-40 around the pins instead of lubricating them with graphite powder or grease. I’ve tried pulling them out, but they seem glued in there. I don’t think bent pins […]