Vandercook 320 G for sale








I am selling my Vandercook 320 galley proof press.

The press is from 1939 and in great condition. It has its original dark green paint which I have been told indicates that it was initially owned by the Army. There are some cosmetic scratches and blemishes but all of the parts are well oiled and maintained. This press is great for woodcut printing as it has a larger bed than most Vandercook models. The live image area is 19×24.5”. The Model 320 is entirely hand operated. There is no need to run power to the machine because unlike the later model Vandercooks the ink is distributed on a palate underneath the feed board rather than on a powered drum. This puts the form rollers behind the impression cylinder (also unlike later model machines). I re-covered the form rollers with brand new rubber (as seen in the photo) and the carriage runs smoothly on the gears with no jumping or chatter. I also have the tool cabinet that mounts under the frame of the press which is not shown in the pictures. As I said before this is a larger press than many Vandercook models. The press itself (with feedboards) is 3×8’ but with the operator handle, you will need to have a full 4×8’ footprint to accommodate it. The only drawback is that I am missing the rider roller (oscillator) assembly. I have a quote for the machining on a new one from the original parts diagrams at a cost of $1,200.00. The press prints fine without this part, but is prone to ghosting when printing large flat areas. I have got around this problem in the past by putting a third form roller between the two inking rollers (in place of the rider assembly) to pick up the ghosting. But of course I would be happy to have the original part made for you if you would like.

Model: 320 G
Built: 1939
Live image area: 19×24.5”
Footprint: 4×8’
This can be loaded into a 3/4 ton pickup bed or flat bed trailer. I have a forklift on my end. Located in West Oakland, California. Easy ground floor drive-up concrete loading area.

Video of the press in operation:

$6,400.00 and it’s yours.


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Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

The earliest Vandercooks were painted black (think Henry Ford). I’m not certain when green became the standard but it was used on all Vandercooks until sometime in 1940 after which they were painted the familiar “machine tool gray.” NA Graphics has the serial number records and could tell you if this press had been requisitioned by the army.

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