Vandercook Cocktail Competition

Call for Entries: The Vandercook Cocktail

To honor the Vandercook Proof Press, it’s history and significance, and it’s place in our lives, a competition has been created for the design of the specialty cocktail to carry its name. “The Vandercook Cocktail” will be chosen from recipe submissions gathered throughout the letterpress community.

Testing/tasting will take place in December, 2011 and the winner/s announced at the upcoming CBAA Conference “Time, Sequence & Technology” (San Francisco Bay Area, January, 2012).

The winner of the competition will receive a certificate verifying their mixological innovation as “The Vandercook Cocktail” and a copy of Paul Moxon’s “Vandercook Presses: Maintenance, History and Resources”. Other prizes may be given at the discretion of the judges.

The choice of the winning cocktail may be based on some or all of these criteria: taste, its relevance to the Vandercook’s history, its relation to some aspect of letterpress printing, its relationship to the place of origin (Chicago-area) .

You may submit up to 2 recipes. Make sure to have ingredients, amounts, garnishes, temperature, preferred glass, and any mixology equipment specified in your recipe. If your recipe requires hard-to-find ingredients, please send these by post to the organizer (see address below). Make sure to include a statement explaining your recipe design and concept..

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2011.
Results announced: January 7, 2012 at the CBAA conference.

Send your recipes, statement, contact information (phone, address, email), and also indicate whether you plan to attend the CBAA conference to:

Vandercook Cocktail Competition
c/o Barb Tetenbaum :: 7907 N. Wabash Ave. :: Portland, OR 97217
or by email: btetenbaum@yahoo. com

This competition is independently organized by Barb Tetenbaum, Marilyn Zornado, Julie Chen and Macy Chadwick. Judges will be selected from members of both the printing and drinking sectors of the Pacific Northwest.

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Gerald Lange
13 years ago

Well, based on the criteria; any mixture of oil and grease and beer or brandy should suffice. And as I commented on PPL, a bit of sweat, tears, and blood to enhance.

This is beyond unbelievable in its relevance. In this economy, a cocktail naming competition for an antique press? What planet do you folks think you live on?


Eric Holub
13 years ago

Take a cocktail shaker, and wipe surfaces with a LIGHTLY oiled rag. Add one dollop of vaseline to lubricate the worm. Then add favorite spirits (I suggest Highland Park) and shake for 20 minutes or until blended. Drink quickly.

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