Vandercook Uni I motor repair (internal gear issue – photos included)

Hello All,

I recently brought my Uni I motor to be recoiled / rebuilt.  It started to smoke and eventually burnt out.
The motor had previously been working and turning the cylinder (a bit slower than normal, but functioning).
I received a call from my machinist, who after taking it apart told me the internal gear had worn down as well. He said it needs replacement and would most likely seize up and re-damage the motor.

He sent me the attached photos.

I was curious if anyone has had any experience replacing this internal gear, and how/where I might go about procuring a new one.

Thanks in advance!



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Jonathan Jarvis
12 years ago

always check the other intermeshing gear too if apprpiate

12 years ago

I saw this post last night before I went to bed and had nightmares that all the gears in my presses were like this and it made me very sad. Glad it was only a bad dream.
Hope you can replace this and make your press happy again.

Fritz Klinke
12 years ago

Send me the basic measurements– –as we have 3 of these worm drives in stock for the Universal I motor. I need to know motor shaft diameter (should be .750″), outside diameter of gear (about 1.865″ in center of gear teeth), overall height (1.000″) and if measurements match, we have what you need.

Fritz/NA Graphics

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