I understand that there is an option for the powered Universal series presses in which the powered grippers would raise and close without having to press on the foot pedal. How is it activated? Where can I find blueprints or technical operating manuals (more detailed) of the Uni presses? Thank you once again!
MoreAuthor: edmond
Split Oscillating Roller and Drum…
Has anyone had experience using a split roller that allows for two different inks to be used on a single print run? Is it worth retrofitting a Uni to cut the printing time in half? Thank you for your thoughts!
MoreUniversal I, III, SP15, SP20, or 219? Any preference?
What do you feel is the most reliable and makes the best impressions between the more popular Vandercook models? Universal I, III, SP15, SP20, or the 219? Reading the many mechanical issues with the SP15, I’m hesistant to stray away from the Universal series presses. How would you rate these presses??? Thanks for your thoughts!