Has anyone had experience using a split roller that allows for two different inks to be used on a single print run? Is it worth retrofitting a Uni to cut the printing time in half? Thank you for your thoughts!
A proof press resource
Has anyone had experience using a split roller that allows for two different inks to be used on a single print run? Is it worth retrofitting a Uni to cut the printing time in half? Thank you for your thoughts!
Thank you all for your responses. From what I understand, instead of replacing the drum with a split one, using split form rollers would essentially have the same result?
See photos of a split oscillating distributor and split form rollers on on the “Tools”:https://vandercookpress.info/tools.html#split page.
You either use split form rollers (saw this on a 219OS), or a split oscillating distributor, but not both. The recess is slightly longer than the travel of the oscillator. That allows for distribution of ink without mixing.
You also need a center side-guide if feeding two separate sheets. Could be stationary, as on a No. 4 set up for two color proofing.
I’m all for experimenting as long as you don’t harm the machine. Having said that, running two colors and two forms at the same time is a lot to monitor. The roller height adjustment may need to be set differently for the two inks. One form may require more makeready than the other. Registration may also be harder to maintain. Unless you are planning a large press run, a dual set up may take more time, than separate runs.
Here is an image of a press with that feature.
As you can see you would also need a split oscillating drum. I think it is interesting, but unless you are constantly printing with two colors on different ends of the sheet it won’t be much use to you.
I suspect most people with this option would gladly trade for the standard version without the dead stripe down the middle of the bed.
Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY