My apologies to all new and longtime registrants who have experienced difficulty logging in to vanderblog. When not travelling for workshops and press tune ups, I have been testing anti registration-bot plugins (apps) to rid this site of fake email accounts attempting to register. This is a war that runs hot and cold, but never seems to end. […]
MoreCategory: Site Admin
Posts and comments concerned with the management of this forum
Did you miss us?
Vanderblog was disabled for a couple of days by an unknown technical anomaly. My host, Godaddy, doesn’t have an explanation yet, but was able to restore everything and clean out unnecessary overhead that was slowing down the site. Hopefully, you will notice faster response times and more improvements are coming soon. I also want to […]
MoreThis site under attack All’s well again!
Access will be restored soon. Thanks for advice and assistance from Scott Fisk, Brian Goodman and Enrique Woolvolk.
MorePlease excuse the mess
This site is in redesign. The blog and the older static (html) pages have merged. This will make images and data tables load faster and give you the ability to search key words, categories, and meta tags on all pages. The page hierarchy has been reorganized, some have become sub pages while others are now […]
MoreRSS Feeds Fixed
After having been broken for weeks, the Vanderblog RSS feeds are working again. For those unfamiliar, RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) is a free, time saving means of being informed of new content on websites and blogs from the home page of your browser or a feed reader. Check it out by […]
MoreComment Images Made Easy
It’s now easier to add images to your comments to blog posts: 1) Write your comment. 2) Select “Browse” and navigate to the file on your computer. 3) Select “Submit Comment.”
MoreNew User Interface
I just updated the blog software (WordPress 2.7), which promises faster page loads. After loggin in, registered members will see a new dashboard. Please contact me if you experience any difficulties.
MoreNot so terrible two
Today marks two years of Vanderblogging. Thank you everyone. On the run-up to the Vandercook centenary our forum has continued to enlarge the common store of proof press knowledge. Here are a few stats compared to a year ago: registered users have increased 171% (from 147 to 252), authored posts 190% (from 114 to 217), […]
MoreThe trouble with blogging
I was just told by one “trailing-edge” mac user that he is experiencing a problem viewing the blog since the latest blog software update (WordPress 2.5.1). My apologies to any and all readers in his position. However, I must to continue to keep pace with WP releases in order to stay ahead of comment spam […]
Dear members and guests: please note that I sometimes edit post titles and topic categories to more accurately reflect content and to improve the relevance of archive searches. Also, please continue to send me data for the various press censuses: Vandercooks, Asbern, Challenge, Reprex, etc. Model name Serial number (and year, e.g. Asbern) Owner (Press […]
MoreHappy Birthday!
Today marks one year of Vanderblogging. Thank you to all registered users, we now number 147. Together we have generated 114 posts and 495 comments that have been viewed over 33,984 times. These figures are nearly double those reported six months ago. This is a vibrant forum that will continue to grow. New pages and […]
This blog is six months old. Thank you to all the registered users, you now number 83. Together we have generated 55 posts (viewed over 10,000 times) and 254 comments. While these numbers are small, some good information has been captured and categorized for the common goal of extending the life of these presses. To […]