The trouble with blogging

I was just told by one “trailing-edge” mac user that he is experiencing a problem viewing the blog since the latest blog software update (WordPress 2.5.1). My apologies to any and all readers in his position. However, I must to continue to keep pace with WP releases in order to stay ahead of comment spam and to utilitize security fixes to protect the data. I suggested the website, which addresses a variety of issues including browsers. Trailing-edge PC users may find useful the companion website for low end pcs. I hope this helps.

WordPress is an amazing and free, community-based, publishing platform. (I pay for bandwidth, data storage, and the domain name—as well as for original equipment catalogs and brochures.) However, The customization that make WP blogs so much better than your average list serve is largely made possible by third party plugins, like WP-table that has allowed me to post the censuses. Plugins are created by independent programmers who rely on donations to support this work. When a programmer abandons their plugin, as it appears the WP-table author has, it may not function with the next WP release. The same problem is now happening with the WP-Print plugin that allows printing of blog pages. Alternatives for either plugin have yet to be released. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Your humble web tinker

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
16 years ago

Great news everyone: I’ve just been told that the web browser Opera works for our low end Mac friend. He deserves much praise for keeping his machine alive out of a landfill, and for resisting the treadmill of computer consumerism. However, I must confess that I generally look forward to “true” upgrades in hardware and software. Not long ago I had the chance to view the site on an iPhone. That was crazy.

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