I am missing a 219 OS Feedboard. Specifically the metal lip. I’ve exhausted all the sources I know about and have been unable to find a spare part. If you have one or know of one please email me at jordananne@yahoo.com . I posted something similiar a year ago but this is my last ditch […]
MoreCategory: 219 OS
Feedboard for 219 Old Style
I’m missing a feedboard and metal lip for my 219 OS. Does anyone have a replacement or has anyone rigged a workable system without an original piece? Any help would be much appreciated. Jordan
More219 Old Style Feedboard
I am restoring a 219 OS and am missing the metal feedboard lip and side guide. I’m trying to research all of my options. I was hoping someone out there may have an extra one? Any suggestions for alternatives? I’ve been in contact with Fritz and he is going to look for the blueprints. Ted […]
More219 Oldstyle Gripper Problem: too tight a grip
The 219 OS I’ve been using has developed a terrible problem, which started about 6 months ago, and nothing I do seems to help. The grippers raise fine, but when depressed into the paper to HOLD the paper,the grippers clamp down very hard, MUCH harder than is needed to just hold the paper in position […]
MoreIn need of some side guide parts & info…
I finally have found a side guide for the last of the seven Vandercooks here at The Arm, but it appears to be missing some pieces. I am not very familiar with this style of side guide so can anyone tell me (or show me) what it is that I am missing? I think this […]
MoreHelp ID these Vandercook? mystery inking parts
Dylan Fareed and I went out to visit John Barrett at Letterpress Things today and he asked me to drag some proof press roller assembly parts back to The Arm to attempt to identify them. I think the second one is a 219 rider roller assembly, but I have no clue on the rest. Anyone […]
More219 Oscillating Inking Roller
Hi, I am looking into possibly buying a 219 Old Style press from a man in Oklahoma. It looks like (from his pictures) that it is missing the rubber inking rollers and an oscillating inking roller (metal?). I knew about the rubber rollers, and the core bracket is there for those, so I imagine I can […]
MoreID this proof press!
A fella in Panama City, Florida has offered this press on the Briar Press classifieds site, but can’t find any info on it. The third picture I found in an article online and is of a similar press, but it made no mention of what it was. Does anybody know? Daniel Morris The Arm Letterpress […]