Challenge 15MP Chatters

My daughter has a Challenge 15MP.  Sometimes when she returns the carriage to the feedboard, the gears “chatter,” that is, the gears are not matching up and it makes the carriage shake.  I’ve looked at it and don’t see anything obviously wrong. I did note that she does not turn the power inking off when printing, so the roller gear engages the power inking each time she returns the carriage to the feedboard. Is the problem as simple as she should not leave the power on, but rather cut the power on once the carriage is at the feedboard?



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Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

I haven’t replaced the starting teeth on a Challenge but believe that they’re identical. I will see a 15MP in a couple weeks and will compare with the Vandercook replacement part I have. Meanwhile here’s the dimensions: the teeth section is 0.5″W x 0.6″L x .5″H. the tongue is 0.125″W and 1.112″ long on the top and .875″ on the bottom.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

They’re NA parts: X-20513.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

The rider on the Challenge 15MP is identical to the SP15. The bronze journals are 3/8″ in diameter and it’s best to replace both.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

Sorry for the delayed reply. We’ve covered all of the common causes. Being infrequent makes it difficult to diagnose. Can she upload a video the next time it happens?

Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

Yes. That’s a memory fail. I posted from my phone and didn’t look at the manual or my book.

You may be able to install a new spring and pin (BR-44) into the starting teeth without removing the rack. Loosen the screws on the top, then gently pry up the rack at each end to keep it relatively parallel. Note that there’s an alignment pin near each end that will make the rack resistant to being moved, and underneath the rack are three or more shims. These shims are easily bent or may already be broken.

Starting teeth can break at the pin hole on the tongue that inserts into a split on the end of the rack. Installing new starting teeth requires removing the form roller rack. (Unfasten the screws completely then extract them with a magnet. Pry rack from bed as described above.

The starting teeth unit is attached to the rack with a strait pin running through the side of the rack. Use a punch to knock out the pin and remove the old teeth. Clean the rack as needed. Lightly oil and insert tongue of starting teeth into rack, then insert pin and tap in place.

When reinstalling the rack, lay the shims in place on the bed casting. Use an awl to align with the screw the holes.) Set the spring into its bottom rest with the pin (BR-44) on top to fit into the starting teeth. Set the rack in place and alternately tap it at each alignment pin with a wood block and a mallet or hammer. Lightly oil, insert and tighten screws.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

Turning the power off shouldn’t be the solution. Like the Vandercook SP15, there are spring-loaded starting teeth on the form roller rack. This part may be broken or missing its spring. A Vandercook replacement part BRS-429 will fit. It’s available from NA Graphics,

Confirm the following:
– Gear is on the rear roller
– Rubber diameter on form roller is 2.5″
– Gear diameter is 2.5″ and has 40 teeth
– If press bed is galley height, the bed plate is .050″

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