I’m having an issue with my 15-MP, and it’s done this nearly the entire time I’ve had it. When inking, the rider doesn’t evenly get inked. I took the rollers off and checked to see if the rollers were swelling on the ends, and if they are, it’s only a .0005″–.001″ difference. Has anyone seen […]
MoreCategory: Form rollers

Chattering and Carriage drifting on Vandercook No. 4
I am working on a Vandercook No. 4. The carriage does just fine engaging in print and trip. However, the carriage will not stay put in the home position. On the opposite side of the operator, there is a broken spring that is keeping a latch in place. I wonder if there is more to […]
MoreProblem with new SP-15 rollers
Sorry to start a new post on this topic but could not successfully add a photo to previous comments. I have the new rollers back on the press. They are still showing the same problem of streaking ink, but it seems somewhat less extreme this time. The front roller is taking the ink better than […]
MoreProblem with new rollers
I recently sent out an extra pair of SP-15 cores to be resurfaced. On receiving the new rollers, I transferred over the roller blocks/bearings and adjusted the height, but the rollers are not taking the ink well, it is streaking as if the rollers were skipping over the drum (the ink coverage on the drum […]
MoreSP15 form roller (the one on the right) is moving, getting chewed up a little
I am not able to secure the form roller. The screws at both ends loosen and it moves. As it does a small portion is chewed up in the gear track. How do I fix that? I have a video, but I am not sure how to send it to you.
MoreVandercook SP15, lowering gear side of rear form roller
The gear side of the rear roller on our SP15 will not lower enough to hit a roller-setting gauge. It does have a range of motion, just will not descend low enough to contact the gauge on the gear side. The roller measures about 1/8″ less than 2 1/2″ in diameter. The tip diameter of […]
MoreSpare SP20 parts?
I found these two pieces in a small box of miscellaneous odds and ends. Does anyone happen to know if they are for the SP20, paper guides perhaps? Thanks.
MoreSP-15 Squeal
Got a bad squeal on the SP-15. Can’t figure out where the noise is coming from. Suspect that the back roller core is defective and the bearer is not holding it correctly. I think we need a new roller/core. Anyway, in printing the oscillating roller squeals badly. Just started doing this today. Any thoughts? Thanks.
MoreVandercook No. 3 Roller Cores
Hi. I’m looking for a spare set of Vandy No. 3 roller cores. Any recommendations on where to look is appreciated. NAGraphics doesn’t carry cores for the No. 3.
MoreInking issues on SP15
We’re completing the rebuild of an SP15 that was begun by someone else (who is now deceased, so we can’t ask them questions) and we are running into some challenges with the inking system. We were trying to set the rollers to the lightest stripe possible for photopolymer printing, which we did with the press […]
MoreRoller height issues on Universal III
I just got brand new rollers and cores. The weird thing is that when I check my roller height, it’s not even throughout. The ends are the same but the middle of the roller has a thinner stripe when I check. Is it the gauge I’m using? That’s steel but I’ve heard that those can […]
MoreReprex No 1 Rollers Specs
I just received a request for the specs for the cores for a No 1 Reprex. this is the same one posted on Briar press. I will make a drawing and share a pdf on this site. I need: – overall core length – diameter and length at ends – other diameter and length on the core – position end to end and length of rubber on the core […]