Moderator’s News

I want to share two recent developments in my professional life that may be of interest to Vanderblog readers.

First, I’m pleased to share that I have been awarded a short-term fellowship at the Newberry Library in Chicago. I will study its collection of printing trade journals as one of my efforts to expand a second edition of my book, develop new content for this website and support my itinerant teaching.

Second, I have been named Editor in Chief of the (soon to be relaunched) American Printing History Association website. This is a consolidation of my positions as webmaster and newsletter editor. The newsletter (pdf only since 2009) will be subsumed by the new site becoming a weekly feature of the front page. In the interim, I am building a bull pen of original, short articles (200-400 plus images) on printing history, and so invite you, the Vanderblog community, to write me at

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Chris Torres
11 years ago

Congratulations! This is wonderful and cannot wait for the newest edition of your book.

Martha Chiplis
11 years ago

That is excellent, Paul. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago- and to the second edition of your book!


John Henry
11 years ago

Great News, Paul. It will be comforting to have you close, in Chicago. Will you be concentrating on the Vandercook enterprise?

John H.

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