NPR’s SoundClips: A Hand-Fed Printing Press

Friends & relations alerted me to this story on yesterday’s “All Things Considered.” And I quote: “Douglas Wilson of Springfield, Mo., lets us listen to the sound of his 1949 Number Four VanderCook Proof Printing Press. The hand-feeding process makes for some rockin’ rollers.”

For all of us on the Vanderblog, this 2-minute piece ought to sound very familiar. I don’t know how long NPR keeps these pages up and running, so give a listen here some time sooner rather than later to share a bit of fleeting attention. —Terry Chouinard


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The Arm
17 years ago

If there is any single thing I would suggest with posts such as this, it is that they are listed only in the “Media” section so as not to detract from the technical nature of the other categories.


Gerald Lange
17 years ago

Hi Paul

I’ve been discussing Vandercooks relentlessly on the web for very many years now. Quite frankly, I doubt there is a topic that could be brought up that I already don’t have a file on. Or that I even want to engage in anymore.

My concerns are more that the web encourages (and sustains) entertainment over information value. I like the way this blog started out and has maintained itself. But, flickr, YouTube, etc. These, while useful additions to information tend to become insular. And, they, unfortunately, overtake what you are trying to accomplish here. Not sure why, but folks would seemingly rather see pics and film clips, etc.

There are so very few solid information sources available online. Basically one has a choice between being entertained, accepting opinion as valid reference, or being conned by an infomercial disguiised as a FAQ. I just winched a bit when this topic was introduced.

My response was just a plea.


Paul Moxon, Moderator
17 years ago


It is useful to question the substantive value of this forum. My primary concern here is to increase the collective knowledge of how to care for these presses, so I seek a variety of ways to encourage further interest in, and respect for, the machinery. Perhaps some of the topics are infotainment, but remember that this blog is just one component of the main website where harder data can be found.

A bit of show and tell can be informative and inspire users to think about the mechanisms and differences among presses. As you well know, many are in the hands of the under-informed, including book arts instructors, college professors and the self-taught working in isolation. This forum helps these people to not add to the wear and tear that most presses have already endured and may extend the timespand of useability.

I find that the blog format, with its posts and nested comments, makes it easy to skim topics and to pass over or ignore those comment threads not of interest. I value your support and thank you for the opportunity to clarify my intentions and for reminding me to be more studious as a moderator and content developer. What topics do you want to discuss?

The Arm
17 years ago

There are people of all levels of experience that make use of this blog. Even if you aren’t drawn to some of the content of the page please keep in mind that it might still be of interest to some of the rest of us.


Gerald Lange
17 years ago


I have to say that I think the sound clips of Vandercooks, the pics of “my Vandercook” parts, the films of Vandercooks in operation or someone posing or what the hell, are more than a bit pathetic, and of the sort that marks the “end-game” of a list.

The high road, please.


Paul Moxon, Moderator
17 years ago

Thanks Terry, I have a link to it in the “Media Mentions”: page of this blog for easy access. If anyone knows of other Vandercook related news features (old or new) please let me know and I will post a link or citation there.

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