Scott Fisk, designer, educator, and vanderblog consultant, just bought a Reprex, a 1960s era down-market flatbed cylinder proof press. Its overall condition is quite good and it should prove to be serviceable. Its mechanisms, however, may seem a bit peculiar to most Vandercook operators. For example, the reservoir drum, while driven by a chain, also oscillates—conversely the large steel rider doesn’t. The form rollers do not have bearing blocks or nyliners on the core ends; they simply sit into a notched bracket that is raised and lowered by adjustment screws, much like pre-Universal series Vandercooks (No.4, 219, 325). –PM
Scott’s Photos:
It looks like you’re right. For some reason it all just looked too wide, but the 42-28 does have a different design for the tower and brackets: it all looks to be more robust.
I forgot to say congratulation on the Reprex. It looks to be a great press and in good condition. I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it once you’re putting it to work.
Daniel: upon further examination the UCF press appears–based on the shape of the base bracket for the frisket tower–to be either a 32-28 or a 232P. But fear not, I have emailed Prof. Francis, so the difinitive answer is coming soon.
Hi Terry and thanks for the information. I have some closeup shots of the Reprex that are interesting. I’ll make certain they get posted soon.
Terry and Paul,
The press in the photo is not a Universal III or IV. By the size and type of frisket tower its probaby a 42-28. If you want to see a Universal IV you should talk to Michael at Kat Ran Press. He has a pair of them and one is up and running, the other still needs a bit of work. I am very jealous.
Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY
Terry, That’s a nice big press at UCF. I have yet to see an actual Universal IV in person. (I can’t think of a better reason to visit Orlando). The website and the original literature I have state that the maximum sheet size for the III is 18¾” × 28″ and for the IV is 32-7/8″ × 29½”.
Nice press, and what a lock-up bar! I believe Ke Francis at the University of Central Florida had/had a Reprex just like this. Scott, I’m not sure where you’re located, but if you ever need to find Ke online try either of these websites: or
The latter shows Ke working on his Universal III (or is it a IV Paul?) Automatic. Nice guy, great artist, and super helpful if you ever need to give him a holler.