I have a Reprex proof press with old, burned out wiring that needs to be replaced. Can any old electrician do this, or does it need to be someone familiar with presses? Thanks for any input or insight you may have.
A proof press resource
I have a Reprex proof press with old, burned out wiring that needs to be replaced. Can any old electrician do this, or does it need to be someone familiar with presses? Thanks for any input or insight you may have.
You can identify the model from pics on the old site. https://vandercookpress.info/reprex.html#01
Nolan was the name of the man who founded the company that made Reprex. previously he ran the Nolan Corp, which also made proof presses and other composing room equipment.
Here is a link to a profile I wrote about him. https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/2008/05/edward-j-nolan/
Thanks for responding so quickly. My Reprex (not sure of the model, however, it says Nolan 1-D-2 on it) was manufactured 6-12-67.
I’m in Mpls., MN and bought it in 1997 or so from a Bill McGarry (local guy who sold lots of printing equipmment). It’s not in great condition–needs rewiring, new big roller and trip mechanism isn’t functioning properly. Got your name and Vanderblog info from the MN Center for Book Arts in Minneapolis.
I would think that any competent and seasoned electrician could rewire it. Especially if the old wiring hasn’t been ripped out. To which model are you referring? Is it hand-cranked or a power carriage. Please let us know and I will ask other Reprex owners to comment and send a photo of their wiring.
Send me your model No. and city and I will add you to the Reprex census. See also the manufactured date stamp.