Welcome. Vanderblog is the forum area of “vandercookpress.info”:https://vandercookpress.info. Together these online resources are dedicated to sharing information on the maintenance and care of Vandercook proof presses, and to expand the common knowledge about other brands of flat-bed cylinder proof presses such as Asbern, Challenge and Reprex.
Vanderblog is Moderated by Paul Moxon and Fritz Klinke, therefore persons wishing to submit posts are required to register. All posts are subject to review, so please be concise and on point. Members may also submit jpegs of their press(es) when relevant to their post.
The blog looks Great!! I love being able to pick some of the smartest minds there are when it comes to my printing problems! Now let my questions begin lol…
Hello All. Paul Fritz, All looks fine to me. This is a wonderful idea, good luck with it.
Thanks Terry. We’ll all be waiting. I’ve begun setting up post categories to include model specfic discussions.
Way to go Paul! I think this blogsite looks fine. Better that it function well than look all tricked out. I’ve joined your blog list so perhaps I’ll finally get you those thoughts on removing a reelrod & fixing a loose trip/print lever on a V4, and adjusting the clutch on an automatic (via Michael Russem’s explanation to me).
Paul & Fritz – great idea! Thanks for thinking of it!
Thanks Scott. Thank you for your technical assistance in helping me set it up. I am still learning WordPress, so this site will look better in time.
Congrats on the new blog.