Universal III Power carriage drive motor/gearbox

Hello I’m the new owner of a Universal III P which arrived less the carriage drive motor/gearbox/clutch assembly. I have a very good machinist/electrician who has suggested he could adapt a small variable speed motor gearbox combination to fit. Trouble is he has no idea about motor hp, gear ratios, whether the motor would have the torque to start up without a clutch, etc. I was wondering if anyone has experience or suggestions regarding this issue?
Thanks much

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Byron, I don’t have any experience with this. I will get someone who has swapped out their electronics to chime in.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

I suspect that gearbox/clutch assembly will have to be fabricated. Byron, check with Baldor/Reliance to see if they can provide some guidance. I’m thinking you can copy the gear/clutch on Soo Lee-Spaw’s Universal I Power carriage motor. If this sounds too complicated, consider converting to a hand crank. See this thread: https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/2008/01/universal-iii-carriage-conversion/

More and more owners are needing to repair or replace motors. I am collecting all the specs I find. The range of output RPM is approximately 112-117 for original ink motors and 123-170 for original power carriage motors. My data is not yet complete, so if any one can help, please see: https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/maintenance/motor-info/

Gerald Lange
11 years ago

I’ve read somewhere that each of the motors for the Universal III were specific to the press. To the point that you had to repair them rather than swap them out.

Even if that is inaccurate where can you possibly find the other parts? “a Universal III P which arrived less the carriage drive motor/gearbox/clutch assembly”


John Henry
11 years ago

I ran a cycle on two different Uni III presses just now and find that at the highest speed the cylinder takes 3 seconds from feedboard to release point and at lowest speed it takes 5 seconds.
Both of the presses had The same motor/gearbox setup which was a 1/4 HP DC motor.

John Henry

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

The manual doesn’t say what the speed range is for the carriage. This may be specified in the assembly drawings at NA Graphics. A 1/4 hp motor should be able to handle it. I will try to get Fritz to comment and bring this thread to the attention to other owners of Universals with power carriages.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Reliance made a 1/8 hp 2000 input RPM motor with a 12:1 gearbox for 170 output rpm. They are still in business, but the available options will probably run either a bit faster or slower. Contact http://www.reliance.com/ (the parent company is Baldor).

Another company Janette, now defunct, made a 1/4 hp 1725 input rpm motor with a 12:1 gearbox for 144 output rpm.

Lad Boyle
11 years ago

You should contact Fritz Klinke at NA Graphic, the great guru of Vandercook!

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