Universal III P just stopped

First, I’m looking for someone in the general vicinity of Delaware that can troubleshoot and possibly repair an automatic Vandercook Universal III. Know anyone? If not, is there some kind of electrician I might try contacting. Obviously, I need more than someone to hook up a 3-phase here.

We were running our III the other day and as the cylinder ‘approached’ the end of its trip away from the feedboard, it simply stopped.

We checked fuses which were blown. We replaced them, but they immediately blow.

If you set it to Manual, the forward / reverse switch causes the relays to activate, but nothing moves.


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Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Ray.

Fritz Klinke
14 years ago

Three phase? What’s the serial number of this press? The motors are dc, normally single phase ac and there is a rectifier that converts the ac for the motor. Sounds like a short in the motor, wire harness that connects with the motor, or a broken wire somewhere. Perry is mainly Northern New Jersey and New York City, but give him a call (201-435-5409).


Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

Contact Perry Tymeson in New Jersey suitcasepress@earthlink.net

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