I recently acquired a # 3, circa 1939, missing the feed roller frame assembly, part M-134. This is the roller to which ink is applied to and then hand cranked to distribute the ink to the vibrator and the form rollers. Has any one come up with a substitute method for inking the #3, or built their own frame and roller assembly? Fritz at NA Graphics informs me that he does not have the mechanical drawings for manufacturing a new part. Any thoughts, ideas and solutions gratefully accepted !
Thanks. John Vincent A Revolutionary Press Harborside, Maine
If you want to take your own measurements for the missing parts, these are the closest old style No. 3s listed in the census:
#8296 Yale/Branford College
#9073 Womens Studio Workshop, Kingston NY
#7990 Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, NYC
Or check the census for other cities where you have friends. If not, I will try to find a No. 3 owner who could help. Not sure when I will see one next. Do you have any extra parts like a spare oscillator?
Here’s another thought: Perhaps you could notch the support plate for the form rollers and install a hand wheel on the end of the front roller. The core would need to be tapped for the screw threads and a longer screw will be required, but there needs to be clearance between the handwheel and the carriage handcrank. Handwheels are available from industrial suppliers like McMaster-Carr.