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Eric Holub
11 years ago

Here’s how I understand it: tympan reels that carry the material UNDER the reel have a very secure hold by simple friction, as increased by angles. I have no problem holding acetate and mylar material underhand given enough tail, and turning until the tail catches.
When the tympan tail is held OVER the reel you need additional friction: Vandercook’s own designs included pinbars or spilt reels.Tape is an inferior solution trying to work against intended design.
Paul’s point about the need for lateral play to seat the topsheet is essential.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Nicely done. I assume that the left end has a spring-loaded journal (rod) that inserts into the cylinder end.
Remember to allow some side-to-side play, which lets you shift the reel rod to eliminate baggy packing.

Also, before installing, flip the ratchet so the that the pawl will catch on top and the tail of the draw sheet is then wound underhand or clockwise. This way tension can be achieved for a draw sheet made from tympan paper without a clamp bar or adhesive tape. The tail of a draw sheet made from Mylar will always need to be taped or clamped to the reel rod, which would otherwise slip.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

NA Graphics can have these parts made, but perhaps you can use Thomas’s press as a reference.

thomas gravemaker
11 years ago

Bonjour Unitas, en français cette fois-ci. Il y a quelques années, j’ai acheté une presse Universal 1 à Paris et si vous voulez me contacter par mail : tomscot@kpnmail.nl
J’ai quitté Paris et travaille maintenant à Amsterdam. Salutations, Thomas

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

I think the term you’re looking for is “reel rod.” The one on the Universal I is round and slotted for the tail of the draw sheet.

John Henry
11 years ago

On second look, it appears the upright standards do have a guard in place, it appears to be clear plexiglass (perspex). Probably added to restrict access to the bed when the head is moved across. I note there is a clear guard in back of the press as well.

If it doesn’t get in the way of your operation and maintenance of the press, I imagine it is good to leave them in place if they seem effective.

John Henry

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Gripper bar is in place. I close up photo and pointing hand would help.

John Henry
11 years ago

It looks like the grippers are in place on the cylinder in the photo you posted. One thing to be very careful about are the upright standards that are positioned at each end of the bed on the side of the press. It appears that they could provide a nasty “pinch-point” when the head moves past them, and hands or clothing could get caught. If they are bolted on, it might be good to remove them.

They may have been attached to hold some sort of guard or something, but as they appear in the photo, I would think they are best removed.

John Henry

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Congratulations. This is a beautiful press. A manual and parts can be purchased from NA Graphics (http://nagraph.com).

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