Vandercook No. 3 Distribution Roller Bushings?

Hello vanderblogers…

It appears that I had a bushing blow out on my No. 3 distribution roller. is there a replacement part for this? and any ideas how hard it might be to change?

To get the pins that hold the roller cores in, do they push up or down to get out?

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
8 years ago

You can replace the original wood bushings (F-761), which often slip inward into the hollow of the rider tube, with Nylon sleeve bearings. NA Graphics has these in stock.

After removing the oscillator tube, the taper pins are driven out from the underside of the frame, using a 1/8″ pin punch and a 3lbs. sledgehammer. To pull the frame apart and access all four bushings you need only to remove two pins, one on each diagonally opposite end. I recommend replacing all four bushings, then you should never have to make this repair again. (The old bushings can be broken up with a tie rod then poured out.) Replacement bushings have one tapered end that aids in tapping them in place. They should be flush with the ends of the rider tubes.


The procedure is the same for the No. 4. The difference here, is that the tie rods extend beyond the handles and are often bent and/or significantly worn where they rest in the carriage. New No. 4 tie rods should be drilled and reamed with a pair of handles as a matched set to ensure the best taper pin fit. I have had several sets fabricated. If anyone is interested, please email me.

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