Vandercook ‘The British’ for sale

Hi all, i posted a while ago asking about my 4C MK2 (serial 6453/4) Vandercook press.  Just like to say thanks heaps to all who commented and gave me info on the machine, I really did appreciate it. However, it all seemed too hard so I have listed it on ebay (australia) this week.

If you have any questions please contact me through ebay seller contact. I hope it finds a good home!

thanks again

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

Sorry to see that your vandy didn’t sell. There’s still hope that you could sell some parts:

– hand crank
– gripper bar
– trip lever
– rollers and gears
– oscillator
– friction fingers
– carriage latch
– gear cover plates
– bumper blocks and springs

Probably a few more that aren’t coming to mind.

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