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Paul Moxon, Moderator
3 years ago

While Vandercook did not create oiling charts, the operation manuals do describe where to oil.

In my book, I note lubrication for specific parts throughout the maintenance section. There are also model-specific Maintenance Checklists. These are also on this site at https://vandercookpress.info/maintenance-checklists/

However, I will take this opportunity to revisit the oiling points as I am in the process of revising my book for the next edition (2023). An illustration (probably a photo) of the cylinder eccentric oil holes. In addition to the No. 3, the following information, in whole or part, is applicable to the No. 4, 215, 15-21, and the Universal Series.

Most of the oil holes have the word “OIL” stamped nearby and have beveled openings.

Cylinder eccentrics (top)
There is a hole on the side of each of the cylinder gear cover, but it’s best to remove them to reveal the actual oil hole for the cylinder eccentrics on top. After filling the hole, wait a few minutes, then roll the carriage forward to wipe up any oil that has worked through the eccentric plates and puddled on the bed rails.

Cylinder eccentrics (Front edge)
On each side, there are two oil holes with beveled openings. Wipe excess

Cylinder Trip Rack (Sheet No. 99.)
While Vandercook didn’t recommend, lightly oil the bearings.

Cylinder check [Carriage Latch] (Sheet No. 4.)
The oil hole is on top of the block the holds the rear tie rod of the carriage at the feed board.

Feeder Roller (Sheet No. 9)
See the beveled hole at the front end of the bronze blocks that clamp the core of the small roller above the oscillator.

Form roller bearing blocks (Sheet No. 96)
There are two notches on each side of the bronze frame handles. These notches guide the oil to holes on the bearing blocks above the form rollers.

Cylinder bearers, bed bearers, and Under rails (Sheet No. 100)
Wipe these surfaces with a slightly oiled rag daily.

Carriage Bearings (Sheet No. 99)
Wipe the circumference with a slightly oiled rag. Do not let oil or solvent penetrate the sides.

Trip wedges and Safety Bar (Sheet No. 100)
Wipe with a slightly oiled rag.

Cylinder/form roller racks (Sheet No. 100)
Clean but do not oil unless the press is housed in a humid environment. but oil attracts dirt.

Periodically oil
Push Rod (Sheet No. 99)
Gripper Latch (Sheet Nos. 4 and 100)

Vaseline has higher viscosity than oil and will not drip
Oscillator (Sheet No. 95), Dab Vaseline on the worm gear and on the shaft on the opposite end of the tube.

Graphite stays in place and doesn’t travel like oil, so lubricate parts where the surrounding area needs to be clean:
Gripper stems (Sheet No. 4)
Friction Finger blocks (Sheet No. 4)
Lockup Bar (Sheet No. 6)
End Guides and studs (Sheet No. 98)

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